생명의 말씀을 전하라(행5:20)
신학대(B.Th):고졸 및 동등한 학력인자로 4년과정(120학점)
*고졸자가 아닌분들은 SLE시험을 통해 자격을 부여합니다.
목회대학원(M.Div):대졸 및 동등한 학력이 인정된 자로 3년과정(90학점)
신학대학원(D.Min Ph.D D.Miss) :M.Div 및 목회경력자(40학점)
3.졸업증명서(편입생 성적증명서)
*입학원서는 수시로 접수 합니다.
*입학원서는 다운로드 하셔서 교무처로 제출해 주시기를 바랍니다.
*본교는 종교특례학교로 인가된(종교학위를 인준한) 대학입니다.
University of Life Theology
121 S. Western Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90004
Tel: (213)365-2816
e-mail: ultinfo529@gmail.com
Preach the word of life (Acts 5:20)
Student Recruitment Guide
Theological Seminary (B.Th): 4-year course (120 credits) with a high school diploma
and equivalent academic background.
*Those who have not graduated from high school are granted
qualifications through the SLE test.
Graduate School of Ministry (M.Div): 3 year course (90 credits) for those with a college
degree or equivalent academic background.
Graduate School of Theology (D.Min Ph.D D.Miss): M.Div and pastoral experience.
(40 credits)
*Admission application documents
1. Application form
2. Letter of recommendation
3. Graduation certificate (transfer student transcript)
*Applications for admission are accepted at any time.
*Please download the application form and submit it to the Office of Academic Affairs.
*This university is a university accredited as a special religious school (religious degree is approved).
University of Life Theology
121 S. Western Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90004
Tel: (213)365-2816
e-mail: ultinfo529@gmail.com